La permanencia del objeto
María León (solo show)
Centro de Arte La Regenta
27 Nov – 16 Jan 2021
Press release

Reverse sublimation V, 2020, gas hose and plastic end-pieces, different sizes

Toasts, 2020, toasts in ventilation grill, 29 x 23 cm

Reverse sublimation III, 2020, gas hose and plastic end-pieces, different sizes

1.388.209 s, 2020, digital print on Rag Photographique 210g, 50 x 70 cm

Perimeter, 2020, trace of burned masking tape, different sizes

1.489.234 s, 2020, digital print on Rag Photographique 210g, 50 x 70 cm

Reverse sublimation I, 2020, gas hose and plastic end-pieces, different sizes

1.256.780 s, 2020, digital print on Rag Photographique 210g, 50 x 70 cm

Reverse sublimation II, 2020, gas hose and plastic end-pieces, different sizes

Reverse sublimation IV, 2020, gas hose and plastic end-pieces, different sizes